
mega ampharos raid guide

Mega Ampharos is a Dragon and Electric type with access to Electric, Fighting, and Rock type moves․ Its weaknesses include Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Ground types, however as it does not have access to its Legacy Dragon type move, Dragon types make up the bulk of the counter recommendations․

Mega Ampharos, the Mega form of the Ampharos and the final Evolution of the Mareep family, is a Raid Boss in Pokémon GO that is scheduled to appear in AR Gyms between Thursday, August 25 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022․ While it looks harmless with cute features such as a cotton candy-style tail and Dango-like horns, this pocket monster is exceptionally powerful, wielding 55,876 CP, with an ATK ․․․ Pokémon GO Mega Ampharos guide⁚ best movesets, weaknesses, best counters, shiny form, max CP, ․․․

Mega Ampharos is an Electric amp; Dragon Pokémon․ It is vulnerable to Ground, Ice, Dragon and Fairy moves․ Amphaross strongest moveset is Volt Switch amp; Zap ․․․

Mega Ampharos Dragon Pulse should be windy-boosted on raid boss, if it wasnt legacy move․ According to Pokebattler, the ultimate counters for Mega Ampharos in Pokémon GO are Mega Latios, Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Salamence, Mega Latias, Shadow Latios, and Shadow Mamoswine․ Latios variants appear twice in this top-6 list, making it likely the best combatant, even if the Legendary is not in its Mega or Shadow form․

The best Mega Ampharos counters in Pokémon GO are Primal Groudon, Shadow Groudon, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Garchomp, Groudon, and Mega Salamence․ These Pokémon perform best with the moves outlined below․

We suggest a minimum group size of 3, 7 Trainers to defeat Mega Ampharos in a Mega Raid․ Pokebattlers Mega Ampharos raid counters guide is designed to help you beat Mega Ampharos with your best counters․ You can find the best counters overall to defeat Mega Ampharos in the infographic and article and use our customizable tool for results from millions of simulations of Pokemon, or your own Pokebox full of Pokemon for a truly personalized experience․

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Mega Ampharos are⁚ Rhyperior․ These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB․ Click here for more info ․

Mega Ampharos has returned to Pokemon GO, and you can now encounter this Pocket Monster in GOs Mega Raids․ Mega Ampharos will be available in Mega Raids from Monday, January 1, 2024, at 10 am ․․․ With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on this Mega Evolved Pokémon from the Johto region, perfect your catching strategy, and understand Amphaross Shiny odds․

Mega Ampharos is an Electric amp; Dragon Pokémon․ It is vulnerable to Ground, Ice, Dragon and Fairy moves․ Amphaross strongest moveset is Volt Switch amp; Zap ․․․ Infographic Mega Ampharos Raid Guide․ RE-UPLOAD to avoid confusion⁚ mostly in Russian, but moves/names are in English too․ Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ․․․ Mega Ampharos Dragon Pulse should be windy-boosted on raid boss, if it wasnt legacy move․

According to Pokebattler, the ultimate counters for Mega Ampharos in Pokémon GO are Mega Latios, Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Salamence, Mega Latias, Shadow Latios, and Shadow Mamoswine․ Latios variants appear twice in this top-6 list, making it likely the best combatant, even if the Legendary is not in its Mega or Shadow form․

The Mega Raid Boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Ampharos․ Ampharos can be caught with the following CP values⁚ 1554 1630 CP at level 20, no weather boost․ 1943 2037 CP at level 25 with Rainy or Windy weather boost․

Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 3-5 trainers ․․․ When planning on taking on this Raid, make sure to group up with other Pokemon Go players, whether it be those you are raiding with in-person, or those you invite remotely․ To comfortably have enough firepower to successfully defeat Mega Ampharos in this Raid, make sure to go into it with a group size of at least three to five Trainers․

Download full size inforgraph here․ Mega Ampharos is here, do we need one? Well, everyone wants do have a full dex dont they? For raids, its one of the rare mega electric to boost your raid partners when needed, but what about its dragon side? There are much better dragon megas, but that typing might add some․․․

Raid Guides let players know which Pokémon and typings are best to take into the fight and increase the chance of success․ Ampharos is usually a sole Electric-type Pokémon, but its Mega evolution in Pokémon GO gains an interesting Dragon-typing․ This gives it a decent list of resistances but also some new and exploitable vulnerabilities․

Mega Ampharos has returned to Pokemon GO, and you can now encounter this Pocket Monster in GOs Mega Raids․ Mega Ampharos will be available in Mega Raids from Monday, January 1, 2024, at 10 am ․․․ With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on this Mega Evolved Pokémon from the Johto region, perfect your catching strategy, and understand Amphaross Shiny odds․

Mega Ampharos in ․․․ Mega Ampharos Raid Guide ⎼ Pokemon GO Pokebattler․ Rebalance of September 17th! Get updated Pokemon Go ! Find Shiny Zamazenta, Giratina Origin and Darkrai remote raids on the app in October! are here! Get your Shadow Entei and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready! Our Mega Ampharos Raid Guide for Pokémon GO will help you build a team of the top Pokémon suited with the best moves to defeat this raid․ Published Sat, 30 Dec 2023 09⁚12⁚08 -0600 Pokemon Gos latest Mega Raid is now on, and this time Trainers will be facing off against an electrified enemy adorned with clouds․Mega Ampharos–an amplified version of the Johto regions ․․․

Groudon would be an excellent choice to battle against Mega Ampharos․ It has an attack of 270, a defense of 228, and a stamina of 205․ The best moveset it can use during the raid will be mud shot ․․․ If you want to test your luck at solo defeating Mega Ampharos, you must have a raid party with maxed-out Dragon-, Fairy-, Ice-, and Ground-type Pocket Monsters․ Here are some recommended counters ․․․

Mega Ampharos is a tough Raid encounter in Pokemon Go, but with the correct counters and movesets, its possible for any trainer to succeed in taking the Electric/Dragon-type Pokemon down․ Mega Ampharos Counters․ Zekrom ⎼ Dragon Breath/Outrage․ Garchomp ⎼ Dragon Tail/Outrage․ Palkia — Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor․ Rayquaza ⎼ Dragon Tail/Outrage․ Haxorus ⎼ Dragon Tail/Dragon Claw․ Dialga ․․․ Beginning Tuesday, February 15, Mega Ampharos will return to Raids in Pokemon Go․ This Electric and Dragon-type Pokemon is a powerful addition to any Pokemon Go team․

21 янв․ 2021 г․ Видео обзор сражения с Mega Pokemon Ampharos․ Кем лучше бить этого рейд Босса․ Видео гайд от 2021-02-15․ Кем бить Мега Амфароса в Покемон ГО ․․․ 6 авг․ 2021 г․ Mega Ampharos относится к типу Electric/Dragon, что означает, что у тренеров есть несколько интересных вариантов для формирования контрольного ․․․ Mega Ampharos Переключатель напряжения/разрядная пушка; Raikou Thunder Shock/Wild Charge․ Если у вас закончились лучшие счетчики в списке, то запуск ․․․ ․․․ Pokemon GOlt;/image:caption lt;/image:image lt;image⁚image lt;image⁚lochttps://gopokemongo․ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/pokemon-go-battle-gym-guide․jpg ․․․ 26 авг․ 2022 г․ Тиранитар покемон тёмного и каменного типов․ Это означает, что он уязвим для многих различных типов атак (Борьба, Земля, Стали, Сказочный, ․․․ 2 сент․ 2022 г․ Деоксис доступен в рейдовых сражениях во время первой части Сезона Света Pokémon GO․ Игрокам придется сражаться с Деоксисом в рейдах, чтобы ․․․

7 июн․ 2022 г․ В Pokémon GO игроки могут найти и поймать легендарного покемона Kyogre в пятизвездочных рейдах до 7 июня 2022 года․ В течение этого периода ․․․ 7 июл․ 2023 г․ Лучшими контерами Сквиртла выступают сильные Покемоны электрического и травяного типа, такие как Shadow Alola Exeggutor, Shadow Exeggutor, ․․․ Seasonal Field Research — Available during Adventures Abound (September to November 2023) Complete Field Research List⁚ https://leekduck․com/research/․․․ This page is devoted to the most advanced pokemongo combat simulator․ Official forums here⁚ https://www․reddit․ com/r/pokebattler/․ [․․․]

Mega Ampharos is a Dragon and Electric type with access to Electric, Fighting, and Rock type moves․ Its weaknesses include Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Ground types, however as it does not have access to its Legacy Dragon type move, Dragon types make up the bulk of the counter recommendations․

The Shiny odds for Mega Ampharos are the standard 1/20 chance, meaning that you have a one in twenty chance of encountering a Shiny Mega Ampharos․ This is the same chance for all other Pokémon encounters in raids, including those with special events․ Be sure to check for events that may increase the chance of encountering a Shiny Pokémon․ While this event is not guaranteed, it is a good chance to encounter a Shiny Ampharos, since you will encounter multiple Mega Ampharos during the event․ The Shiny form of Mega Ampharos is visually similar to the normal form of Ampharos, but has a different colored tail, which is more reminiscent of a cloud rather than a cotton candy․ You may also want to make sure that you are using Golden Razz Berries to increase the chance of catching a Shiny Ampharos as well, as this will give you a significantly higher chance of catching the Pokémon, even if it is Shiny․

Remember that the general outline of the article is as follows, and when you generate one element, UNDER NO EVENT should you write about another⁚

Mega Ampharos Weaknesses and Counters

Best Mega Ampharos Counters

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Movesets and Strategies

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Soloing

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Team Size

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Catching

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Shiny Odds

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Infographic

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Pokebattler

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Conclusion

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ Resources

В Интернете сегодня на эту тему пишут следующую информацию⁚ Today is 10/18/2024 05⁚01⁚47

Mega Ampharos counters, Mega Ampharos raid guide, most effective moves against Mega Ampharos, how to defeat Raid Boss Mega Ampharos in a raid battle in Pokémon Go․ Raid egg, tier, Raid Boss CP, captured CP values for Mega Ampharos in Pokemon Go․ Personalized Ampharos (Mega) Counters Ampharos (Mega) Raid Infographic Ampharos (Mega)- Light Pokémon․ Ampharos (Mega) is weak to the following types⁚ x1 Ice, x1 Ground, x1 Dragon, x1 Fairy Generally speaking, the best counters for it are⁚Garchomp, Zekrom and Haxorus․ Ampharos (Mega) can be beaten by 2 players in optimal weather, with max friendship and perfect level 40 counters or ․․․ Best Mega Ampharos counters․ The best Mega Ampharos counters in Pokémon GO are Primal Groudon, Shadow Groudon, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Garchomp, Groudon, and Mega Salamence․ These Pokémon perform best with the moves outlined below․ We suggest a minimum group size of 3 ⎼ 7 Trainers to defeat Mega Ampharos in a Mega Raid․ Pokebattlers Mega Ampharos raid counters guide is designed to help you beat Mega Ampharos with your best counters․ You can find the best counters overall to defeat Mega Ampharos in the infographic and article and use our customizable tool for results from millions of simulations of Pokemon, or your own Pokebox full of Pokemon for a truly personalized experience․ Starter Guide for New Trainers; Returning Players Guide; Getting Serious About PoGO; Niantic Mistake Timeline; Pokemon․ Pokemon List; Shadow Pokemon List; Legacy Pokemon List; Eggs List; Max CP for All Pokemon; Raids․ Raid Boss List; Raid Boss Counters; Tier 3 Raid Guides; Tier 4 Raid Guides; Tier 5 Raid Guides; References․ Power Up Costs; Type ․․․ Mega Ampharos, the Mega form of the Ampharos and the final Evolution of the Mareep family, is a Raid Boss in Pokémon GO that is scheduled to appear in AR Gyms between Thursday, August 25 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022․ While it looks harmless with cute features such as a cotton candy-style tail and Dango-like horns, this pocket monster is exceptionally powerful, wielding 55,876 CP, with an ATK ․․․ Pokémon GO Mega Ampharos guide⁚ best movesets, weaknesses, best counters, shiny form, max CP, ․․․ A Mega Ampharos obtained from Raids can be encountered from 2332 CP to 2426 CP, or if weather boosted, in the 2915 CP to 3032 CP range․ In Field and Special Research, Mega Ampharos can be found in the 1749 CP to 1819 CP range․ 1554 — 1630 CP (raid catch with no weather boost, level 20) 1943 — 2037 CP (raid catch with Rainy weather boost, level 25) Ampharos can be soloed by a high level trainer with strong counters, but for lower level raiders, or those without optimal counters, we would recommend 1-2 trainers․ This is a guide for Ampharos․ Click here for Mega ․․․ The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Mega Ampharos are⁚ Rhyperior․ These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB․ Click here for more info ․ Mega Ampharos is an Electric amp; Dragon Pokémon․ It is vulnerable to Ground, Ice, Dragon and Fairy moves․ Amphaross strongest moveset is Volt Switch amp; Zap ․․․ Infographic Mega Ampharos Raid Guide․ RE-UPLOAD to avoid confusion⁚ mostly in Russian, but moves/names are in English too․ Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ․․․ Mega Ampharos Dragon Pulse should be windy-boosted on raid boss, if it wasnt legacy move․ According to Pokebattler, the ultimate counters for Mega Ampharos in Pokémon GO are Mega Latios, Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Salamence, Mega Latias, Shadow Latios, and Shadow Mamoswine․ Latios variants appear twice in this top-6 list, making it likely the best combatant, even if the Legendary is not in its Mega or Shadow form․ The Mega Raid Boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Ampharos․ Ampharos can be caught with the following CP values⁚ 1554 1630 CP at level 20, no weather boost․ 1943 2037 CP at level 25 with Rainy or Windy weather boost․ Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 3-5 trainers ․․․ When planning on taking on this Raid, make sure to group up with other Pokemon Go players, whether it be those you are raiding with in-person, or those you invite remotely․ To comfortably have enough firepower to successfully defeat Mega Ampharos in this Raid, make sure to go into it with a group size of at least three to five Trainers․ Download full size inforgraph here․ Mega Ampharos is here, do we need one? Well, everyone wants do have a full dex dont they? For raids, its one of the rare mega electric to boost your raid partners when needed, but what about its dragon side? There are much better dragon megas, but that typing might add some․․․ Raid Guides let players know which Pokémon and typings are best to take into the fight and increase the chance of success․ Ampharos is usually a sole Electric-type Pokémon, but its Mega evolution in Pokémon GO gains an interesting Dragon-typing․ This gives it a decent list of resistances but also some new and exploitable vulnerabilities․ Mega Ampharos is a Dragon and Electric type with access to Electric, Fighting, and Rock type moves․ Its weaknesses include Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Ground types, however as it does not have access to its Legacy Dragon type move, Dragon types make up the bulk of the counter recommendations․ Garchomp․ (Image credit⁚ The Pokémon Company) The best ․․․ Mega Ampharos has returned to Pokemon GO, and you can now encounter this Pocket Monster in GOs Mega Raids․ Mega Ampharos will be available in Mega Raids from Monday, January 1, 2024, at 10 am ․․․ With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on this Mega Evolved Pokémon from the Johto region, perfect your catching strategy, and understand Amphaross Shiny odds․ Mega Ampharos in ․․․ Mega Ampharos Raid Guide ⎼ Pokemon GO Pokebattler; Rebalance of September 17th! Get updated Pokemon Go ! Find Shiny Zamazenta, Giratina Origin and Darkrai remote raids on the app in October! are here! Get your Shadow Entei and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready! Our Mega Ampharos Raid Guide for Pokémon GO will help you build a team of the top Pokémon suited with the best moves to defeat this raid․ Published Sat, 30 Dec 2023 09⁚12⁚08 -0600 Pokemon Gos latest Mega Raid is now on, and this time Trainers will be facing off against an electrified enemy adorned with clouds․Mega Ampharos–an amplified version of the Johto regions ․․․ Groudon would be an excellent choice to battle against Mega Ampharos․ It has an attack of 270, a defense of 228, and a stamina of 205․ The best moveset it can use during the raid will be mud shot ․․․ If you want to test your luck at solo defeating Mega Ampharos, you must have a raid party with maxed-out Dragon-, Fairy-, Ice-, and Ground-type Pocket Monsters․ Here are some recommended counters ․․․ Mega Ampharos is a tough Raid encounter in Pokemon Go, but with the correct counters and movesets, its possible for any trainer to succeed in taking the Electric/Dragon-type Pokemon down․ Mega Ampharos Counters․ Zekrom — Dragon Breath/Outrage․ Garchomp — Dragon Tail/Outrage․ Palkia ⎼ Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor․ Rayquaza ⎼ Dragon Tail/Outrage․ Haxorus — Dragon Tail/Dragon Claw․ Dialga ․․․ Beginning Tuesday, February 15, Mega Ampharos will return to Raids in Pokemon Go․ This Electric and Dragon-type Pokemon is a powerful addition to any Pokemon Go team․ 21 янв․ 2021 г․ Видео обзор сражения с Mega Pokemon Ampharos․ Кем лучше бить этого рейд Босса․ Видео гайд от 2021-02-15․ Кем бить Мега Амфароса в Покемон ГО ․․․ 6 авг․ 2021 г․ Mega Ampharos относится к типу Electric/Dragon, что означает, что у тренеров есть несколько интересных вариантов для формирования контрольного ․․․ Mega Ampharos Переключатель напряжения/разрядная пушка; Raikou Thunder Shock/Wild Charge․ Если у вас закончились лучшие счетчики в списке, то запуск ․․․ ․․․ Pokemon GOlt;/image:caption lt;/image:image lt;image⁚image lt;image⁚lochttps://gopokemongo․ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/pokemon-go-battle-gym-guide․jpg ․․․ 26 авг․ 2022 г․ Тиранитар покемон тёмного и каменного типов․ Это означает, что он уязвим для многих различных типов атак (Борьба, Земля, Стали, Сказочный, ․․․ 2 сент․ 2022 г․ Деоксис доступен в рейдовых сражениях во время первой части Сезона Света Pokémon GO․ Игрокам придется сражаться с Деоксисом в рейдах, чтобы ․․․ 7 июн․ 2022 г․ В Pokémon GO игроки могут найти и поймать легендарного покемона Kyogre в пятизвездочных рейдах до 7 июня 2022 года․ В течение этого периода ․․․ 7 июл․ 2023 г․ Лучшими контерами Сквиртла выступают сильные Покемоны электрического и травяного типа, такие как Shadow Alola Exeggutor, Shadow Exeggutor, ․․․ Seasonal Field Research ⎼ Available during Adventures Abound (September to November 2023) Complete Field Research List⁚ https://leekduck․com/research/․․․ This page is devoted to the most advanced pokemongo combat simulator․ Official forums here⁚ https://www․reddit․ com/r/pokebattler/․ [․․․]

Mega Ampharos Raid Guide⁚ CP Values

When you encounter Mega Ampharos as a raid boss, it will have a CP of 55,876․ If you are lucky enough to catch a Mega Ampharos after defeating it in a raid, you can encounter it with a CP value of 2332 CP to 2426 CP․ If the weather is boosted, the CP value can be 2915 CP to 3032 CP․ If you encounter a Mega Ampharos through field research, you can encounter it at a much lower CP value of 1749 CP to 1819 CP․ The CP values that you encounter Mega Ampharos at will be different depending on the level of the Mega Ampharos․ The level of the Mega Ampharos is determined by the level of the trainers who participated in the raid․

For example, a Mega Ampharos caught in a raid with no weather boost will be level 20, and will have a CP value of 1554 — 1630․ A Mega Ampharos caught in a raid with rainy weather boost will be level 25, and will have a CP value of 1943 — 2037․ If you are looking to catch a Mega Ampharos with high CP, it is best to participate in raids with higher level trainers․ You should also make sure that the weather is boosted to increase your chance of catching a Mega Ampharos with high CP․


tv guide lincoln ne 68512

TV Guide for Lincoln, NE 68512

Find todays TV Guide Listings for Nebraska․ See whats playing on your local Lincoln channels with our broadcast TV listings․

Local TV Listings

Discover the comprehensive TV listings for Lincoln, NE 68512, providing you with a detailed schedule of local programs, movies, and sports events․ Whether you’re searching for your favorite show, a captivating movie, or the latest sporting action, our TV guide has got you covered․ Our user-friendly interface allows you to easily browse listings by time or channel, ensuring you never miss a moment of your entertainment․

Stay informed about local broadcasts with our detailed TV listings․ We provide information on channels like KFDY News Channel 27․2, NCN Evening News, and Sports High-School Football․ Explore the diverse offerings on cable, satellite, and over-the-air channels, finding the perfect program to suit your preferences․ Whether you’re a fan of news, sports, entertainment, or educational content, our TV guide will help you navigate the vast world of television in Lincoln, NE 68512․

Our TV guide is your one-stop destination for all your local TV needs․ Browse our comprehensive listings, discover new programs, and enjoy your favorite shows without missing a beat․ Our listings are updated regularly, ensuring you have access to the most current information․

Cable and Satellite Providers

Lincoln, NE 68512 residents have a wide array of cable and satellite providers to choose from, offering a diverse range of entertainment options․ These providers bring a vast selection of channels to your living room, encompassing news, sports, movies, entertainment, and educational programs․

To access the specific channel listings for your chosen cable or satellite provider, simply select your provider from our comprehensive list․ We provide detailed channel lineups, allowing you to easily find your favorite shows and discover new content․

Whether you prefer the convenience of cable or the flexibility of satellite, our TV guide ensures you have the information you need to make an informed decision․ Explore our listings, compare packages, and choose the provider that best suits your entertainment needs․ With a wide range of providers and packages available, you’re sure to find the perfect cable or satellite solution in Lincoln, NE 68512․

Antenna Providers

For those seeking a cost-effective and reliable way to access free over-the-air television in Lincoln, NE 68512, antenna providers offer a viable solution․ These providers offer a range of antennas designed to capture broadcast signals from local television stations․

Antenna providers in Lincoln, NE 68512 cater to diverse needs, offering indoor and outdoor antennas, as well as various sizes and models to suit different signal strengths and reception challenges․ From compact indoor antennas ideal for apartments to robust outdoor antennas for optimal signal reception, you can find the perfect antenna to meet your requirements․

By choosing an antenna provider, you can enjoy a selection of local channels, including news, sports, entertainment, and educational programs, without the recurring costs associated with cable or satellite subscriptions․ Our TV guide provides a comprehensive overview of antenna providers in Lincoln, NE 68512, allowing you to compare offerings and find the best fit for your viewing preferences and budget․

Popular TV Shows and Movies

Lincoln, NE 68512 residents can indulge in a wide array of popular TV shows and movies through various platforms, including cable, satellite, and streaming services․ From captivating dramas to thrilling action-adventures, comedies to documentaries, there’s something for every taste․

Our comprehensive TV guide provides a complete listing of popular TV shows and movies airing in Lincoln, NE 68512, allowing you to stay informed about the latest releases and schedule your viewing pleasure․ You can easily search by genre, channel, or time to discover the shows and movies that pique your interest․

Whether you’re a fan of network favorites like “The Voice” or “NCIS,” or prefer the latest streaming sensations like “Stranger Things” or “The Crown,” our guide will keep you up-to-date on all the must-watch television and film offerings in Lincoln, NE 68512․ So, grab your popcorn, settle in, and enjoy the best of entertainment․

Local Events in Lincoln, NE

Lincoln, NE 68512 is a vibrant city teeming with exciting events throughout the year․ From cultural festivals to sporting events, concerts to art exhibitions, there’s always something happening to keep residents entertained․

Stay updated on the latest local events in Lincoln, NE 68512 with our comprehensive guide․ We provide a detailed calendar of events, including dates, times, locations, and descriptions, so you can plan your outings with ease․ Discover the city’s rich culture and vibrant community spirit by attending events like the annual Lincoln City Festival, the Nebraska State Fair, and the Lincoln Arts Festival․

Whether you’re interested in music, theater, art, food, or sports, our guide will help you find the perfect events to enjoy․ Explore Lincoln’s diverse offerings and create unforgettable memories with family and friends at these exciting local events․

Local News and Weather

Stay informed about the latest happenings in Lincoln, NE 68512 with our comprehensive local news and weather coverage․ We provide up-to-the-minute reports on breaking news, local events, and community updates․ Our experienced team of journalists delivers accurate and reliable information, keeping you informed about everything that matters in your city․

From politics and crime to education and business, we cover a wide range of topics that are important to Lincoln residents․ We also provide detailed weather forecasts, including hourly updates, extended outlooks, and severe weather alerts․ Our weather reports are sourced from trusted meteorological agencies and offer comprehensive information on temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and other critical weather factors․

Whether you’re looking for local news, weather updates, or a combination of both, our platform provides a convenient and reliable source of information for the Lincoln, NE 68512 community․ Stay connected and informed with our comprehensive local news and weather coverage․

Educational Resources

Lincoln, NE 68512 boasts a rich educational landscape, offering a wide range of resources for lifelong learning․ Whether you’re a student, a parent, or simply curious about the world, there are numerous opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills․ The city is home to the prestigious University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a flagship institution renowned for its academic excellence and research contributions․ The university offers a vast array of undergraduate and graduate programs, covering diverse disciplines from science and engineering to humanities and the arts․

Beyond the university, Lincoln also houses several other educational institutions, including community colleges, technical schools, and private schools․ These institutions provide alternative pathways to higher education, vocational training, and specialized skills development․ The city’s public library system plays a vital role in fostering literacy and lifelong learning․ With numerous branches spread across the city, the library offers a wide collection of books, magazines, and digital resources․

Lincoln’s educational ecosystem is further enriched by various cultural organizations and museums․ These institutions provide unique learning experiences through exhibitions, workshops, and public lectures, covering topics ranging from history and art to science and technology․ Whether you’re seeking formal education, informal learning, or simply a place to explore new ideas, Lincoln, NE 68512 offers a wealth of educational resources for all ages and interests․

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), a flagship institution of Nebraska’s state university system, serves as a vital hub for education, research, and community engagement in Lincoln, NE 68512․ Founded in 1869, UNL has a rich history of academic excellence, contributing significantly to the state’s economic and cultural development․ With a diverse student body and a faculty renowned for their expertise, UNL offers a wide array of undergraduate and graduate programs, spanning various disciplines, including agriculture, engineering, business, law, medicine, and the arts․ The university is also home to several research centers and institutes, conducting cutting-edge research in areas such as biotechnology, energy, and environmental sustainability․

UNL’s commitment to research extends beyond the campus, with the university actively collaborating with businesses and organizations in Lincoln and beyond․ Through these partnerships, UNL fosters innovation and economic growth while addressing critical societal challenges․ The university’s strong emphasis on community engagement is evident in its numerous outreach programs, which provide educational opportunities to students, families, and the broader community․ From museum exhibits to public lectures, UNL strives to make its knowledge and resources accessible to all; As a cornerstone of Lincoln’s educational landscape, UNL plays a pivotal role in shaping the city’s intellectual and cultural vibrancy․

Lincoln History and Culture

Lincoln, Nebraska, a city steeped in history and culture, boasts a rich tapestry of heritage, art, and community spirit․ Named after the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, the city was established in 1867 and has witnessed significant growth and transformation over the years․ Its historical landmarks, such as the State Capitol Building, a magnificent example of Beaux-Arts architecture, and the Haymarket District, a vibrant hub of entertainment and dining, offer glimpses into Lincoln’s past․ The city’s cultural landscape is further enriched by its thriving arts scene, featuring the Sheldon Museum of Art, showcasing a diverse collection of modern and contemporary art, and the Lincoln Children’s Museum, providing interactive and educational experiences for young minds․ Lincoln is also home to numerous theaters, music venues, and festivals, celebrating a range of artistic expressions, from classical music to contemporary dance․

Lincoln’s vibrant cultural scene is a testament to its commitment to creativity and innovation․ The city’s history and cultural heritage are interwoven into its fabric, enriching the lives of its residents and attracting visitors from far and wide․ Lincoln’s cultural attractions, coupled with its historical significance, offer a unique and enriching experience, making it a destination that appeals to a wide range of interests․

Community Resources

Lincoln, Nebraska, is a city that embraces its community spirit, fostering a strong sense of belonging and support․ The city offers a vast array of resources and services designed to cater to the needs of its diverse population, ensuring that residents have access to essential support and opportunities for growth․ Lincoln’s community resources encompass a wide spectrum, from healthcare and education to social services and recreational facilities․

The city’s commitment to healthcare is evident in its numerous hospitals, clinics, and medical centers, providing comprehensive medical care to residents․ Lincoln also boasts a robust network of educational institutions, including the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a leading research university, and numerous public and private schools, offering quality education to students of all ages․ The city’s social service organizations play a vital role in supporting individuals and families in need, offering a range of programs and services, such as food banks, shelters, and counseling centers․ Lincoln’s recreational facilities, including parks, libraries, and community centers, provide opportunities for residents to engage in physical activity, pursue their hobbies, and connect with others․

Lincoln’s commitment to its community is reflected in its dedication to providing a wide range of resources and services, creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all․ These resources empower residents to thrive, access essential services, and contribute to the city’s vibrant and thriving community․


tv guide for pigeon forge tn

Pigeon Forge, TN TV Guide⁚ Your Guide to Local Programming

Discover the best local TV channels in Pigeon Forge, TN. Our comprehensive guide provides a complete listing of over-the-air, cable, satellite, and streaming options. Find out what’s on TV today, tonight, and throughout the week, so you don’t miss your favorite shows.

Over-the-Air TV Listings

Enjoy free TV programming in Pigeon Forge, TN with an antenna! Access a wide variety of channels without any monthly fees. Our over-the-air TV listings provide a comprehensive guide to the available channels in your area, including popular networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX.

Browse our list of local Pigeon Forge TV stations and networks to find out which channels are available with an antenna. View the owner, TV station call sign, channel number, digital frequency, and more; Discover which stations are digital and their coverage area.

Get the most out of your TV viewing experience in Pigeon Forge with our over-the-air TV listings. Enjoy free programming and explore the world of broadcast television.

Cable TV Listings

Explore a wide range of cable TV options in Pigeon Forge, TN, and discover a world of entertainment. Our cable TV listings provide a comprehensive guide to the available channels and packages offered by leading providers like Spectrum, AT&T U-verse, and Comcast.

Find out which cable TV provider is best for your needs, based on your preferences and budget. Compare channel lineups, pricing, and features to determine the best fit for your entertainment needs. Discover the latest TV shows, movies, sports, and local news channels available in Pigeon Forge.

Our cable TV listings offer a convenient resource for finding the perfect cable TV plan for your home. Enjoy the convenience of cable TV and stay connected with your favorite entertainment.

Satellite TV Listings

Unlock a world of entertainment with satellite TV in Pigeon Forge, TN. Our satellite TV listings provide a comprehensive guide to the available channels and packages offered by leading providers like DISH and DIRECTV. With satellite TV, you can enjoy a vast selection of channels, including local, national, and international programming, as well as premium movie channels and sports packages.

Discover the best satellite TV provider for your needs, based on your preferences and budget. Compare channel lineups, pricing, and features to determine the best fit for your entertainment needs. Enjoy the freedom of satellite TV and access a wide range of programming from anywhere in your home.

Our satellite TV listings offer a convenient resource for finding the perfect satellite TV plan for your home. Experience the power of satellite TV and stay connected with your favorite entertainment.

Streaming Services

Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of streaming services in Pigeon Forge, TN. Our guide provides a comprehensive overview of popular streaming platforms available in the area, including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and more. Discover a wide range of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and live sports, all at your fingertips.

With streaming services, you can watch your favorite content on demand, anytime, anywhere. Enjoy the freedom of choosing what you want to watch, without the limitations of traditional cable or satellite TV. Explore different streaming services and find the perfect package for your viewing preferences and budget.

Our streaming service listings offer a detailed overview of each platform, including its content library, pricing, and features. Enjoy the convenience and entertainment options of streaming services in Pigeon Forge, TN.

Finding Your Local Channels

Locate your local channels in Pigeon Forge with ease! Our guide provides a simple and comprehensive resource to discover your favorite stations.

TV Antenna Map and Technical Information

Unlocking the world of free, over-the-air television in Pigeon Forge, TN starts with understanding your antenna options. Our interactive TV antenna map pinpoints the exact location of transmitters broadcasting to Pigeon Forge, giving you a clear visual representation of signal strength and coverage. This map is a valuable tool for determining the optimal antenna placement for your home, ensuring you receive the strongest signal possible. Beyond the map, you’ll find detailed technical information about each channel, including its frequency and transmission power. This information is crucial for selecting the right antenna type and size to guarantee a crystal-clear picture. Whether you’re a seasoned antenna enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of over-the-air television, our comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to maximize your viewing experience.

Pigeon Forge TV Station Listings

Our comprehensive Pigeon Forge TV station listings provide a complete overview of the local broadcast landscape. Discover the full spectrum of available channels, including their call signs, frequencies, and affiliations. Whether you’re seeking your favorite news station, a specific network channel, or a local public broadcasting station, our listings make it easy to find what you’re looking for. We also provide information about each station’s digital channel number, ensuring you can easily tune in to your preferred programs. Stay informed about local news, weather, and entertainment with our detailed Pigeon Forge TV station listings, your guide to the best local broadcast programming.

What to Watch in Pigeon Forge

Discover the best local TV programming in Pigeon Forge, TN, with our comprehensive guide to popular channels and shows.

Popular Channels Available with a TV Antenna

Enjoy a wide variety of free programming in Pigeon Forge with an over-the-air TV antenna. Popular channels like NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX are readily available, offering news, entertainment, and sports. You can also access popular networks like PBS, The CW, and ION, which provide a diverse range of shows, documentaries, and movies.

For those interested in local news and events, WATE 6 On Your Side and WVLT News are excellent options. And for a dose of entertainment, check out the variety of programming offered on the major networks and cable channels.

With a TV antenna, you can enjoy a wide range of free programming in Pigeon Forge, ensuring you have plenty of entertainment options to choose from.

Local TV Listings for Pigeon Forge

Stay up-to-date on local news, weather, and events with our comprehensive Pigeon Forge TV listings. Get the latest information from WATE 6 On Your Side and WVLT News, covering the Knoxville area and surrounding communities. You can also find local programming on PBS, offering educational and cultural content.

Our listings include both broadcast and cable channels, so you can easily find what’s on air in Pigeon Forge. Whether you’re looking for news, sports, entertainment, or local programming, our guide has you covered. Check our listings daily to see what’s playing on your favorite channels.

Stay informed and entertained with our comprehensive Pigeon Forge TV listings, your guide to local programming.

TV Guide for Cable, Satellite, and Antenna

Whether you’re a cable, satellite, or antenna user, our comprehensive TV guide has you covered. Find listings for all major providers serving the Pigeon Forge area, including Spectrum, AT&T U-verse, Comcast, DISH, and DIRECTV.

Browse through our guide to discover what’s on TV today, tonight, and throughout the week. We provide detailed channel lineups for each provider, so you can easily find your favorite shows and movies.

Stay informed about local programming, news, and sports events with our guide. You can also explore a wide range of entertainment options, including movies, series, and documentaries. We offer a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for.

TV Providers in Pigeon Forge

Discover the best TV providers in Pigeon Forge, TN, including Spectrum, AT&T U-verse, Comcast, DISH, and DIRECTV.

Spectrum Cable TV Service

Spectrum Cable TV Service in Pigeon Forge, TN offers a wide range of entertainment options, including popular shows, movies, sports, and local news. With Spectrum’s extensive channel lineup, you’ll have access to a variety of programming to suit your interests. Whether you’re a fan of live sports, the latest movies, or classic TV shows, Spectrum has something for everyone.

One of the key benefits of Spectrum Cable TV Service is its Spectrum TV App. This free app allows you to stream live TV or On Demand content on any compatible device, giving you the flexibility to watch your favorite shows whenever and wherever you want. The app also features a robust guide that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for, and you can even record programs to watch later.

Spectrum Cable TV Service is a reliable and convenient option for enjoying your favorite TV shows and movies in Pigeon Forge, TN. With its extensive channel lineup, free Spectrum TV App, and a variety of plans to choose from, Spectrum is a great choice for viewers seeking quality entertainment.

AT&T U-verse TV

AT&T U-verse TV offers a comprehensive TV service in Pigeon Forge, TN, delivering a wide selection of channels and features to enhance your viewing experience. U-verse TV provides access to a diverse range of programming, including live sports, news, entertainment, and movies, catering to various tastes and preferences.

One of the notable features of AT&T U-verse TV is its ability to deliver crystal-clear picture quality and immersive sound, enhancing your viewing pleasure. U-verse TV also offers interactive features, such as on-demand content and the ability to rewind live TV, providing you with greater control over your viewing experience.

With AT&T U-verse TV, you can enjoy a seamless and engaging TV experience in Pigeon Forge, TN. The service’s wide channel selection, high-quality picture and sound, and interactive features make it a compelling choice for viewers seeking a premium TV service.

Comcast Cable TV Service

Comcast Cable TV Service provides a comprehensive and reliable cable TV experience in Pigeon Forge, TN, offering a diverse selection of channels to cater to various interests. Comcast offers a variety of TV packages, tailored to different viewing needs and budgets. From basic cable to premium packages, you can find the perfect option to suit your entertainment preferences.

Comcast’s cable TV service includes a wide array of channels, encompassing popular networks, sports channels, news channels, and a vast library of on-demand content. Comcast’s Xfinity Flex streaming device offers access to a range of streaming services, expanding your viewing options beyond traditional cable TV.

Comcast also prioritizes customer satisfaction, offering 24/7 customer support and a user-friendly online platform to manage your account and explore your TV options. With its comprehensive channel selection, streaming capabilities, and reliable service, Comcast Cable TV Service is a popular choice for viewers in Pigeon Forge, TN.


DISH TV offers a compelling satellite TV option for Pigeon Forge, TN residents seeking a diverse range of programming options. With its satellite technology, DISH TV delivers a wide variety of channels, including local networks, premium channels, sports networks, and international channels; DISH TV’s Hopper 3 DVR allows you to record up to 16 shows simultaneously, ensuring you never miss your favorite programs, and its Sling technology allows you to stream live TV and on-demand content on multiple devices, making it convenient to watch your shows on the go.

DISH TV also provides a user-friendly interface for navigating channels and accessing on-demand content, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. DISH TV offers a range of package options, including basic packages, family packages, and premium packages, catering to different budgets and viewing preferences. Additionally, DISH TV’s customer support is available 24/7, providing assistance for any questions or concerns you may have. With its extensive channel lineup, advanced features, and reliable customer service, DISH TV is a popular choice for those seeking quality satellite TV service in Pigeon Forge, TN.


DIRECTV is a well-regarded satellite TV provider in Pigeon Forge, TN, offering a wide array of channels and advanced features. DIRECTV is known for its extensive channel lineup, encompassing local networks, premium channels, sports networks, and international channels. Its Genie HD DVR allows you to record up to five shows concurrently and access recorded programs from any room in your home. DIRECTV’s 4K Ultra HD programming provides stunning picture quality for select channels, enhancing your viewing experience. DIRECTV Stream is a streaming service that lets you watch live TV and on-demand content on multiple devices, making it convenient to access your favorite shows anywhere.

DIRECTV offers a range of package options to suit diverse budgets and preferences, from basic packages to premium packages that include HBO Max, Showtime, and Cinemax. DIRECTV also offers a variety of add-on packages, including sports packages, international packages, and family packages. Their customer support is available 24/7, providing assistance for any questions or concerns you may have. With its extensive channel lineup, advanced features, and reliable customer service, DIRECTV is a top choice for those seeking quality satellite TV service in Pigeon Forge, TN.


trinity trigger trophy guide

Welcome to the Trinity Trigger Trophy Guide! Below you will find all the trophies for Trinity Trigger․ There is a total of 36 trophies to get in the game and there is a platinum trophy․ The platinum is not overly difficult․ Getting all of the trophies takes roughly 30 hours․


Trinity Trigger is an action role-playing game that combines the look and feel of iconic RPGs of the 90s with a modern emphasis on fast-paced, customizable combat․ Developed by Three Rings and published by XSEED Games, Trinity Trigger was released on April 25th, 2023 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Windows․ The game features a unique blend of classic JRPG elements, including turn-based combat, a compelling story, and a vibrant world to explore․

The game’s trophy list offers a diverse range of challenges for players of all skill levels․ From completing the main story to uncovering hidden secrets, Trinity Trigger has something to offer for trophy hunters․ This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of all the trophies available, including their requirements, tips, and strategies for unlocking them․

Whether you’re a seasoned trophy hunter or a casual gamer looking to complete the game, this guide will help you navigate the path to platinum․ So, grab your weapons, prepare for adventure, and let’s dive into the world of Trinity Trigger!

Game Overview

Trinity Trigger follows the story of three protagonists⁚ Cygnus, a young boy who wields the power of the Trinity, a mysterious force that connects the world; Elise, a skilled swordsman with a strong sense of justice; and Zea, a magical girl with a unique ability to control spirits․ Together, they embark on a quest to restore balance to the world, which has been thrown into chaos by the evil forces of the “Arma,” giant weapons of the gods․

The game features a unique combat system that combines real-time action with strategic elements․ Players can switch between characters on the fly, utilizing their different abilities and weapons to overcome challenging enemies․ The game also features a deep crafting system, allowing players to customize their weapons and armor to suit their playstyle․ Players can discover 10 blue treasure chests that contain beast keys, each with a unique ability that can be used to unlock secrets and obtain rare items․

Beyond the main story, Trinity Trigger offers a variety of side quests and activities to keep players engaged; These include exploring the world, collecting rare items, and engaging in optional battles․ The game’s charming art style, captivating story, and engaging gameplay make it an enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels․

Trinity Trigger Trophy List

The Trinity Trigger trophy list is a diverse collection of achievements that span a wide range of gameplay elements․ From completing the main story to unlocking hidden secrets, there is something for every type of player․ The trophy list includes 15 bronze trophies, 17 silver trophies, 3 gold trophies, and one prestigious platinum trophy․

The bronze trophies are typically awarded for completing basic tasks, such as defeating a certain number of enemies or discovering specific locations․ The silver trophies require a bit more effort, often involving completing side quests, collecting rare items, or mastering certain gameplay mechanics․ The gold trophies are the most challenging, requiring players to complete complex tasks or achieve specific milestones in the game․

The platinum trophy is the ultimate goal for trophy hunters, rewarding players for unlocking all other trophies in the game․ While some trophies can be earned naturally through normal gameplay, others will require players to deviate from the main path and explore the game’s many hidden secrets․

Platinum Trophy

The Platinum Trophy in Trinity Trigger, aptly named “Trinity Trigger,” represents the pinnacle of achievement in the game․ It stands as a testament to your dedication and mastery of the game’s diverse mechanics․ Earning this trophy unlocks a sense of accomplishment and pride, signifying that you have truly explored every facet of Trinity Trigger’s world․

Unlocking this prestigious trophy is a journey that requires you to conquer all other trophies within the game․ This means engaging in every aspect of the game, from completing the main story and side quests to uncovering hidden secrets and mastering challenging gameplay elements․ You’ll need to demonstrate your skills in combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving to achieve this ultimate goal․

The Platinum Trophy serves as a symbol of your dedication to the game, showcasing your commitment to experiencing everything Trinity Trigger has to offer․ It’s a trophy that will be proudly displayed on your profile, a testament to your passion and skill as a gamer․

Bronze Trophies

The Bronze Trophies in Trinity Trigger are the stepping stones on your journey to mastering the game․ These achievements represent the initial milestones you’ll reach as you delve into the world of Trinitia․ They are a testament to your progress and understanding of the game’s basic mechanics․

Among these Bronze Trophies, you’ll find rewards for completing specific quests, defeating certain enemies, and discovering hidden treasures․ They encourage exploration and engagement with the game’s core features; As you progress through the game, you’ll naturally earn many of these Bronze Trophies, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivating you to continue your journey․

While they may seem simple, these Bronze Trophies are crucial for unlocking more challenging achievements later in the game․ They lay the foundation for your journey toward the coveted Platinum Trophy, serving as reminders of your initial triumphs in the world of Trinity Trigger․

Silver Trophies

The Silver Trophies in Trinity Trigger mark a significant step forward in your mastery of the game․ They represent a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics, strategies, and hidden intricacies․ These trophies are not simply handed out; they require a dedicated approach and a willingness to explore the game’s depths․

Silver Trophies often involve achieving specific in-game goals that require a degree of skill and planning․ You might need to master certain combat techniques, complete challenging side quests, or uncover secrets hidden within the game’s environments․ These achievements are a testament to your growing proficiency and your commitment to unraveling the full potential of Trinity Trigger;

As you progress through the game, these Silver Trophies will become increasingly valuable, not only for their own sake but also as stepping stones towards more challenging achievements․ They are a tangible reminder of your dedication and a source of motivation to continue exploring the world of Trinitia․

Gold Trophies

The Gold Trophies in Trinity Trigger are the ultimate testaments to your mastery of the game․ These achievements represent the pinnacle of your journey through the world of Trinitia, demanding a level of dedication, skill, and exploration that few players will achieve․ Earning a Gold Trophy is a moment of triumph, a validation of your commitment to unlocking the full potential of Trinity Trigger․

Gold Trophies in Trinity Trigger are not easily attained․ They require a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, a mastery of its combat system, and a willingness to delve into its hidden corners․ You might need to conquer challenging boss encounters, complete intricate side quests, or uncover secrets that require keen observation and a dedicated approach․

These prestigious achievements are not merely rewards; they are badges of honor, signifying your dedication and skill as a player․ They are a testament to your ability to push your limits and to conquer the challenges that Trinity Trigger presents․ The pursuit of Gold Trophies is a journey of discovery, a testament to your passion for the game, and a source of enduring pride․

Tips for Obtaining Trophies

Obtaining trophies in Trinity Trigger is a rewarding experience that adds depth and purpose to your gameplay․ While some trophies are easily earned through natural progression, others require a more strategic approach․ Here are some helpful tips to guide you on your trophy-hunting journey⁚

Explore Thoroughly⁚ Trinity Trigger is a game that rewards exploration․ Explore every nook and cranny of the game world, uncovering hidden chests, interacting with every character, and solving every puzzle․ Many trophies are linked to exploration, so make sure you don’t miss anything․

Embrace Experimentation⁚ Trinity Trigger offers a variety of combat options, including different weapons and skills․ Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you․ Some trophies are linked to specific combat strategies, so don’t be afraid to try something new․

Utilize Guides⁚ Online resources like trophy guides can provide valuable information about specific trophy requirements and strategies; These guides can help you avoid frustration and ensure you’re on the right track to unlocking all the trophies․

Don’t Be Afraid to Grind⁚ Some trophies require you to complete specific tasks multiple times․ This might involve defeating a certain number of enemies or collecting a specific number of items․

Have Fun! Above all, remember to have fun․ The journey to obtain trophies should be enjoyable․ If you’re not having fun, take a break and come back later․ The trophies will still be there․

Congratulations on completing your journey through the world of Trinity Trigger! By diligently following this guide and embracing the tips provided, you’ve unlocked a wealth of achievements and trophies, adding a new dimension to your gaming experience․ The platinum trophy is a testament to your dedication and passion for exploring every aspect of this captivating RPG;

As you move forward, consider revisiting Trinity Trigger to challenge yourself further․ Experiment with different playstyles, unlock new secrets, and discover the hidden depths of this engaging world․ The journey continues, and the thrill of trophy hunting is just a beginning․

Remember, the most valuable reward in gaming is the enjoyment you derive from the experience․ May your future adventures be filled with exciting discoveries, challenging encounters, and the satisfaction of achieving your goals․ Happy gaming!


cloudpunk trophy guide

This guide will help you unlock all 31 trophies in Cloudpunk, a cyberpunk delivery game set in the sprawling city of Nivalis. Learn about the story, the missable trophies, the collectibles, and the tips for the Platinum.


Cloudpunk is a cyberpunk adventure game developed by the independent studio “Ion Lands” and released in 2020. You play as Rania, a new driver for Cloudpunk, a semi-legal delivery company in the sprawling metropolis of Nivalis. As you navigate the city’s neon-lit streets, you’ll encounter a diverse cast of characters, unraveling their stories and making choices that impact their fates. While Cloudpunk is a story-driven experience, there are also plenty of collectible items and hidden locations to discover, rewarding players with a sense of exploration and accomplishment. The game offers a unique blend of narrative, exploration, and character interaction, making it a captivating experience for those seeking a cyberpunk adventure with a touch of heart.

This trophy guide aims to provide a comprehensive roadmap to unlocking all 31 trophies in Cloudpunk. We’ll cover missable trophies, storyline trophies, collectible trophies, and general tips to help you achieve platinum status. Whether you’re a seasoned trophy hunter or a casual player, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to earn every trophy and fully experience the world of Cloudpunk.

Missable Trophies

Cloudpunk features several missable trophies, which means that if you don’t complete certain tasks or make specific choices during your playthrough, you’ll need to start a new game to unlock them. These trophies are often tied to specific missions or interactions with characters, so it’s crucial to pay close attention to your actions and choices.

One of the most common missable trophies is the “No Pressure” trophy, which requires you to successfully complete all time-sensitive deliveries. This means that you’ll need to navigate the city efficiently and avoid delays to meet the deadlines for each delivery. Another missable trophy is the “Outrun” trophy, which requires you to escape the Undernet Pulse while transporting Huxley.

The “Prank” trophy is also missable, requiring you to prank the CEO of Cloudpunk. These are just a few examples of missable trophies, and it’s always a good idea to consult a detailed trophy guide to ensure you don’t miss out on any.

Storyline Trophies

Cloudpunk’s storyline trophies are directly linked to progressing through the game’s narrative and making specific choices. These trophies are generally easier to obtain as they are naturally earned through playing the game. They reward you for completing key missions, interacting with significant characters, and making decisions that shape the story.

For example, the “Second Chances” trophy is awarded for restoring Evelyn’s memories, a crucial part of the game’s plot. The “Memory Collector” trophy is earned for finding 20 punch cards scattered throughout the city, which provide insight into the characters and their stories.

While these trophies are linked to the story’s progression, it’s still important to pay attention to the choices you make and the interactions you have with characters. These choices may influence the story and affect whether or not you earn these trophies.

Collectible Trophies

In Cloudpunk, collectible trophies are awarded for discovering and interacting with hidden items and locations scattered throughout the game’s world. These collectibles offer a deeper understanding of the game’s lore and characters, adding an extra layer of depth to the narrative.

One such collectible trophy is “Nivalis Tourist,” earned by discovering all 100 locations within the game. These locations are often hidden in plain sight, requiring a keen eye and exploration to find them. Another collectible trophy is “Memory Collector,” awarded for finding 20 punch cards, each containing a unique story or piece of information about the characters and their lives.

Collectible trophies often involve exploring the game’s world thoroughly, going off the beaten path, and interacting with the environment. It’s recommended to keep an eye out for these hidden treasures as you progress through the game, as some of them might be easily missed.

General Tips

Navigating the world of Cloudpunk and achieving its various trophies requires a blend of careful observation, strategic decision-making, and a touch of patience. Here are some general tips that can make your journey through Nivalis smoother and more rewarding⁚

First and foremost, take your time. Cloudpunk isn’t a game about rushing through the story, but about immersing yourself in its world. Explore every nook and cranny, talk to every character you encounter, and don’t be afraid to follow your curiosity.

Second, be aware of the missable trophies. These trophies, such as “No Pressure” and “Outrun,” require specific actions during certain missions or scenarios. The game doesn’t always explicitly guide you towards these opportunities, so it’s helpful to read guides or watch playthroughs to understand how to unlock them.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. Cloudpunk rewards curiosity and creativity. Try different approaches to missions, engage with characters in unexpected ways, and see what happens. You never know what hidden treasures or unique experiences you might uncover.

Nivalis Tourist Trophy

The “Nivalis Tourist” trophy in Cloudpunk is awarded for discovering all 100 unique locations within the game’s sprawling city of Nivalis. This might sound daunting, but it’s actually a fairly straightforward process if you approach it systematically.

Most of the locations are revealed naturally as you progress through the main story and side quests. As you drive around Nivalis, pay attention to the map and keep an eye out for any areas that haven’t been marked as discovered.

The locations are diverse, ranging from bustling marketplaces and towering corporate headquarters to secluded alleyways and abandoned outposts. Explore every corner of the city, even if it seems insignificant at first. You never know what interesting characters, items, or hidden details you might encounter.

If you find yourself struggling to locate the remaining locations, there are helpful guides available online that map out every single point of interest. However, the most satisfying way to earn the “Nivalis Tourist” trophy is to discover the city’s hidden gems through exploration and curiosity.

Memory Collector Trophy

The “Memory Collector” trophy in Cloudpunk is earned by finding a total of 20 punch cards scattered throughout the game’s world. These cards are not essential to the main story, but they offer glimpses into the lives and memories of the people who lost them.

Punch cards are often found in locations related to the stories of various characters. Pay attention to the dialogue and interactions with NPCs, as they may provide clues about the whereabouts of these collectibles.

Some punch cards are hidden in plain sight, while others require a bit of exploration and observation. Keep an eye out for glowing objects, hidden corners, and interactive elements in the environment.

Don’t worry if you miss a few punch cards on your first playthrough. Cloudpunk is a game that encourages exploration and replayability. You can always revisit locations and collect the remaining cards on subsequent playthroughs.

The “Memory Collector” trophy is a testament to your dedication to uncovering the hidden stories and memories of the citizens of Nivalis. So keep your eyes peeled for these valuable relics and piece together the fragments of their pasts.

Second Chances Trophy

The “Second Chances” trophy in Cloudpunk is awarded for restoring Evelyn’s memories, a crucial aspect of the game’s narrative. Evelyn is a character who has lost her memories, and helping her recover them is a significant part of the story.

To unlock this trophy, you need to carefully follow the story and make the right choices during certain encounters. Some of these choices may be subtle, so pay close attention to the dialogue and your interactions with Evelyn.

You’ll need to guide Evelyn through her past, helping her piece together fragments of her memories. This involves listening attentively to her stories, asking the right questions, and making decisions that support her journey of self-discovery.

The “Second Chances” trophy is not only a reward for your efforts in helping Evelyn but also a testament to the game’s themes of redemption, forgiveness, and finding meaning in the face of hardship. It’s a reminder that even in a world as bleak as Nivalis, there is still hope for second chances.

By assisting Evelyn in reclaiming her past, you contribute to a poignant and heartfelt narrative that highlights the importance of human connection and the power of memory.

No Pressure Trophy

The “No Pressure” trophy in Cloudpunk is a testament to your ability to navigate the city’s chaotic streets and complete time-sensitive deliveries with precision and efficiency. It requires you to successfully complete all the timed deliveries within the game, proving your mettle as a skilled driver and a reliable courier.

These timed deliveries often involve navigating challenging routes, avoiding obstacles, and navigating through bustling crowds. You’ll need to master the game’s driving mechanics, learn the city’s layout, and develop a keen sense of timing to succeed.

The “No Pressure” trophy is a challenge that rewards those who can handle the fast-paced nature of the game. It’s a recognition of your ability to stay calm under pressure, make quick decisions, and deliver your cargo on time, no matter the obstacles you encounter.

The “No Pressure” trophy is a fitting reward for those who embrace the challenge and master the art of timed deliveries in Cloudpunk. It signifies your commitment to excellence, your ability to handle pressure, and your dedication to fulfilling your responsibilities as a driver in this neon-lit cyberpunk metropolis.

It’s a trophy that speaks to your skills, your resilience, and your dedication to delivering your cargo, on time and with a smile, even in the face of chaos and uncertainty.

Outrun Trophy

The “Outrun” trophy in Cloudpunk is a test of your driving skills and ability to navigate the city’s treacherous underbelly. This trophy is awarded to those who can successfully escape the Undernet Pulse, a powerful signal that disrupts the city’s technology and threatens to wreak havoc on its citizens.

The Undernet Pulse is a formidable force, causing widespread chaos and forcing you to navigate through a labyrinth of neon-lit streets and alleyways. You’ll need to use all your driving skills to evade the pulse’s destructive energy and reach safety, navigating tight corners, avoiding obstacles, and dodging oncoming traffic.

The “Outrun” trophy is a testament to your ability to stay calm under pressure, think quickly on your feet, and make split-second decisions. It represents your mastery of Cloudpunk’s driving mechanics, your understanding of the city’s layout, and your determination to escape the clutches of this destructive force.

The “Outrun” trophy is a thrill-seeking achievement, rewarding you for your daring escape from the Undernet Pulse. It signifies your ability to outrun danger, navigate through chaos, and emerge victorious from this challenging test.

It’s a trophy that speaks to your driving prowess, your resilience, and your determination to escape the perils of the Undernet Pulse, proving that even in the face of chaos, you can outmaneuver danger and reach safety.

Prank Trophy

The “Prank” trophy in Cloudpunk is a lighthearted achievement that rewards you for your mischievous side. It’s awarded for pulling off a prank on the CEO of Cloudpunk, a seemingly uptight and serious individual who could use a little bit of levity in their life.

The opportunity to prank the CEO arises during a specific mission, offering a chance to inject a little chaos into the otherwise mundane routine of the delivery service. The prank itself is a subtle act of rebellion, a small but satisfying jab at the CEO’s authority. It’s a reminder that even in a world dominated by technology and corporate power, there’s still room for a little bit of fun.

The “Prank” trophy is a testament to your ability to see the humor in even the most serious situations. It showcases your playful nature and your willingness to break free from the monotony of corporate life, even for a brief moment.

It’s a trophy that encourages you to embrace your inner prankster and reminds you that a little bit of mischief can go a long way in brightening up even the most dreary of worlds. It’s a celebration of the little moments of joy that can be found even in the most unexpected of places, a reminder that even in a dystopian future, there’s still room for a little bit of fun.

So, if you’re looking for a way to add a bit of levity to your Cloudpunk experience, be sure to pull off the prank on the CEO and earn this unique and rewarding trophy.

As you navigate the neon-lit streets of Nivalis, delivering packages and encountering the diverse cast of characters that inhabit this futuristic metropolis, you’ll find yourself drawn into a world brimming with intrigue, mystery, and moral dilemmas. Cloudpunk’s trophy list reflects the depth of its narrative, encompassing achievements for completing the main story, uncovering hidden secrets, and making impactful choices.

From the thrill of escaping the Undernet Pulse to the satisfaction of restoring Evelyn’s memories, each trophy in Cloudpunk represents a unique milestone in your journey. As you strive to unlock them all, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the city’s intricate web of connections, the struggles of its inhabitants, and the weight of the decisions you make.

Beyond the individual trophies, the ultimate goal is to achieve the Platinum trophy, signifying your mastery of Cloudpunk’s intricate world. This accomplishment is a testament to your dedication, your exploration, and your ability to fully immerse yourself in the game’s captivating atmosphere. So, buckle up, driver, and get ready for an unforgettable journey through the neon-drenched streets of Nivalis.

Remember, every delivery, every conversation, every choice you make contributes to your overall experience. Embrace the challenges, savor the rewards, and unlock the full potential of Cloudpunk’s captivating world.